You Lost Strength to Continue?
No one that says God help me, Has God ever denied help! -Archbishop Benson Idahosa.
-Archbishop Benson Idahosa.
{*} Is there anything in your life trying to slip out?
{-} Is your health threatening to leave you?
{/} Is your joy threatening to go?
{‘} Is your job in jeopardy?
{;} Is there anything you have been looking for in life?
{”} Is there anything near you about leaving you?
{.} Is there anything you’ve ever lost that was dear to you?
Jesus asked me to tell you: Whatever is gone out of your hand would come back again!
Whatever has gone out of your hand now, and you need it to stay with you, will come back again!
Did you hear what I’m saying?
My brother, your job will come back to you!
You Lost Strength to Continue?
A woman came to me sometimes ago.
And I just came back from my journey to Korea and Japan and China and Philippines.
This woman cried to my office, I said, what’s your trouble? She said, “Look at it.
My husband has gone to court to file a divorce.
I said, what did you do? She said nothing.
Again, I said, what did you do? She said nothing.
And I said do you want your husband back?
She said Yes “he’s the father of our four children. He’s the husband of my youth. We’ve been married for 23 years. I don’t want him to go, call him back!
I said, “What’s his name?
He said John.
So, I said, John, come back and pick your paper and take it away,
she said what do I do?
I said nothing. Wait for John, he is coming back!
She said “What did you say?
And I said, John is coming back!
She said he’s left town.
I said the transport that took him out of town would bring him back!
24 hours later, John didn’t come with car, John flew back!
You Lost Strength to Continue?
John said, “I couldn’t sleep”. I couldn’t sleep! Oh, I couldn’t sleep.
She said to the wife “you are the problem”.
The woman said you “you are the problem”. She said you are the problem.
You know when husband and wife are fighting. One of the two is always the problem!
The man said you are my problem. The woman said you are the problem.
After 5 minutes of argument, she said let’s go and see our Bishop.
John brought his wife in tears.
He said “Papa. I can’t sleep”.
I can’t sleep.
And I don’t know what’s wrong.
Everything around me is saying “go back”, -go back! And -go back.
So, I flew here.
I want you to beg my wife to marry me again.
And I came to collect the divorce papers that I filed!
The wife began to cry. And He too began to cry.
I knew it was not God that took the man from her.
You Lost Strength to Continue?
Did you hear what I’m saying?
There are many things that are slipping out of your hand. You think it’s God taking it, No, it is the devil.
But Jesus says it is coming back, yes, it is coming back, is coming back, it is coming back, is coming back, it is coming back!
Power is coming back! Life is coming back!!
Say Hallelujah. Shout Hallelujah!!!
I said, “John, you are in my office, what happened that you filed for divorce?
He said I don’t know at all.
I just woke up. I thought I didn’t need my home anymore.
And I thought I don’t need my marriage anymore; I have no strength to continue.
What went wrong?
He said “I lost strength to continue” …. /I lost strength to continue.
Maybe there’s someone here this morning who has almost lost strength to continue.
There’s a vision God put in your head, God said go ahead and the devil says stop.
The Lord sent me to tell you; that vision is coming back again!
You Lost Strength to Continue?
I said, “John, what did your wife do?
He said she did nothing.
I said, “Did you think of your children? How you are the only father they have?
He said “I lost my memory; I couldn’t think of my wife!
I couldn’t think of the children. Help me! Help me!
You know the greatest thing I’ve found in life in my 32 years of close work with God?
No one that says God help me, Has God ever denied help!
Say with me,
God help me! {}God help me!
{_}When it’s Rough, God help me!
{-}When it’s Tough, God help me!
{*}When I don’t know what to do, God help me!
{/}When I’m in trouble, God help me!
{”}When I’m weak, God help me!
{‘}when I’m down, God help me!
{**}When I’m in confusion, God help me!
You Lost Strength to Continue?
And the wife looked at his husband and said:
“John, it was yesterday morning, I ran to Papa (Archbishop Benson Idahosa) to tell him what you have done,
and I told him I want you to come back!
John said.” What time?
The woman said 11:00.
John said “at 11:15, I was in a meeting when I took excuse to go to the bathroom,
And I felt the loudspeaker in my ears: John, John, go home, John, go home!!!
I said, “Did You know who was calling you?
He said I don’t,
And I said it was me!
I was calling you!
He said the voice sounded like your voice sir, and I said yes, I did.
Spiritual life is not Mystic.
I want to explain, that when you decide to walk with God, you step to mystery.
God can intervene anytime!
God can come down even when you are not ready,
You Lost Strength to Continue?
John said: “I took excuse from the meeting, and I told them I’m going back home. The people say we have not finished”,
but he said. – “The call I received from the bathroom is more than this meeting.
Who was calling him (John)? God!!
I said God! God!
I don’t know what state of mind you are in this morning.
Again, I don’t know what state of mind you are in at this moment.
I don’t know what is trying to slip out of your hand!
But the message I’m given by God is very simple,
“Matha said to Jesus. But now I know”.
John 11:22 KJV
[22] But I know, that even now, whatsoever thou wilt ask of God, God will give it thee.
And from the minute you know that God is interested in your marriage,
the minute you know God is interested in your business, …
And the minute you know God is interested in your health, …
The minute you know that God is interested in what you are doing for him, the situation will take new turn.
The business will have a new life. Your life will have a new direction.
You Lost Strength to Continue?
I don’t know how many Johns we have here at this moment? who want to go to court to file for divorce.
God sent me to tell you. Don’t do it!
You said, “What do you mean? I’ve gone far!!
Come back!
{>}Come back John!!
{^}Come back John!!!
{*}Come back John…….
God is saying “Come back”.
You said Why?
And I said “Why Not?
You said “my wife is a devil” …. But That’s why the Bible says we shall cast out devil.
How can you reach your world if you can’t reach your home?
Maybe that’s a mistake in language, but I’m not sure you can win the whole world If you can’t win your home,
Why would God send me to say what I’m saying now?
It is because God knows you need help.
Whatever is dying out of your hand, Jesus Christ asked me to tell you it shall live again!
Also Read: Today May Be Your Friday: Sunday is Coming! – Diademng (
You Lost Strength to Continue?