I Won’t Let What I Want Rob Me Of What I Have
Thank You, God. You’re enough.
Contentment and gratitude aren’t identical, but they sure are family.
Contentment lives somewhere near the beginning of the path toward a more grateful perspective.
For instance, it’s difficult to have gratitude for something you’ve received when you’re at the same time wanting more of that very thing.
Think of a toddler who says thank you for sweets because they’ve discovered that’s how to get more.
Are they glad to have the sweets? Yes.
But, are they content with what they’ve already received? Probably not.
A grateful perspective realizes God gave us the good we have, responds with praise, and then believes His good is enough.
Yet, we often come to God with a toddler-like, “Thank you. More, please.”
How do we keep discontentment from robbing us of the realization of God’s all-sufficient provision?
We practice saying, “Thank You, God. You’re enough.”
When we do, we’ll find gratitude turns what we have into enough.
Try this: Look around you and start thanking God for the things you see.
Start a mental list today of the things He’s done for you.
Share them in the comment section below,
or send them as your testimony for publication,
Let God hear from you that you are indeed Grateful.
Are you indeed grateful for what God has done?
I Won’t Let What I Want Rob Me Of What I Have
Thank You, God. You’re enough.
Read: God Is Good No Matter What – Diademng (thediademng.org)