Do you have a ‘fig leaf’ over your finances?
By: Bob Lotich
One of the most common financial obstacles probably isn’t what you would expect…
It’s not a lack of relentless discipline…
It’s not a lack of math or accounting skills…
It’s not even the lack of solid money fundamentals that aren’t taught in school, church, or at home.
Don’t get me wrong, those are all pretty big problems in-and-of themselves. But they aren’t the root problem…
There’s something else that’s probably holding you back from a big money breakthrough.
And there’s a good chance that it’s totally invisible to you, pushing you two steps back for every step forward.
I call this unconscious habit your ‘fig leaf’ (if your mind is traveling back to the Garden of Eden, you’re on the right track!)
Do you have a ‘fig leaf’ over your finances?
Consider what happens to Adam & Eve directly after eating of the forbidden fruit:
“At that moment their eyes were opened, and they suddenly felt shame at their nakedness. So, they sewed fig leaves together to cover themselves.” Genesis 3:7
Read that again and take a look at what I highlighted in bold…
They felt shame and they tried to hide it away.
So often, this is actually what’s at the heart of money problems.
Shifting debt to credit cards can be the ‘fig leaf’ that covers up over-spending.
Hiding receipts or packages can be the ‘fig leaf’ that covers up bad spending habits.
Even prayer can sometimes be a cover up, asking God to “bless this mess” without any commitment to obedience that would lead to real life-change.
And just like Adam & Eve, our solutions to the real problem are SO BAD it’s laughable.
Did they really think fig leaves could hide their condition from an almighty God?
Do you have a ‘fig leaf’ over your finances?
It seems crazy until we ask ourselves, “Do I really think taking out another credit card will help me get out of debt?”
Shame can make us do some pretty irrational things.
The solution?
Bring things out in the open.
Let down our defenses.
Cast our cares on the Lord and know that no matter how huge the financial mess, He can do exceedingly and abundantly more than we can ask or imagine.
This involves being strong and courageous – to look your problems dead in the eye and commit to following where God leads you.
It might not be the only step you need to take, but I can guarantee it’s the first step down the road to financial freedom.
What are the next steps? We’ll get more into that in the next publication.
For now, I encourage you to ask God to show you the ‘fig leaves’ in your life and prepare your heart to follow where He leads.
Do you have a ‘fig leaf’ over your finances?
For now, I encourage you to ask God to show you the ‘fig leaves’ in your life and prepare your heart to follow where He leads.
Bob Lotich and partner have a documented teaching on their exact journey and blueprint to doing some amazing things in God’s grace.
If you want to learn more about his faith & finances journey and learn how to apply the same Biblical principles to your own life, it’s all inside a self-paced online course, True Financial Freedom.
You can contact Bob.
The fig leaf to cover shame!
This perspective is divine truly.
Thank you, we look forward to more insights.