Love Letters to My Daughters
As you know, God is always speaking.
It can be through a sign, a baby, or a TV show—He will use something to speak to you.
So many people want to walk in power, and yet, so few want to walk with him.
They don’t realize the power that comes in knowing your identity in him.
He turns our mess into something that can bless us and others.
As you read this testimony, as your sister in Christ, I want you to first forgive.
Forgive your earthly father for the ways he fell short and extend grace to him.
Also Forgive yourself for thinking many of the mistakes and hardships you experienced were your fault.
And forgive God. I know this may sound crazy but hear me out.
Love Letters to My Daughters
Ever wondered what a love letter from God feels like?
Seven years ago, | began journaling my conversations with Him, finding comfort and reminders that I’m never alone.
During the pandemic, God guided me to publish “Love Letters to My Daughters.”
Initially nervous about sharing my personal journal entries,i found courage in Revelation 12:11 (NLT): “And they have defeated him by the blood of the Lamb and by their testimony…”
Take this journey with me and let God, the love of our lives, guide us most beautifully.
Camara AUnique Helps | YouVersion
Love Letters to My Daughters
My Dearest Daughter,
I welcome you to a new way to experience life, seeing me as your Dad and seeing yourself as Daddy’s little girl.
Though I know it may sound foreign or feel uncomfortable, but I have said in my Word that I am a Father to the fatherless,
and also to those of you who grew up with your fathers and experienced disappointment.
Just know I am the perfect Father.
Close your eyes and imagine what the perfect father would look like.
Imagine what he would say and how he would feel about you.
Then, imagine how you would feel in his presence.
Allow me to teach you how to be a daughter to a Father who will never leave you nor forsake you,
who will carry you through experiences meant to harm you,
a Father who will encourage you and empower you to be everything he has called you to be.
Yes, A Father so intentional about you that he knew you before he formed you in your mother’s womb,
and created a guide to help you get through this thing called life while he’s by your side.
And A Father who will be with you on the many levels of your life, from motherhood to marriage, school, and your career.
I won’t be too overbearing.
And I will allow you to make decisions to mature you, but you have me here to consult.
Be Rest Assured I will always answer the door because I am every door you’re walking through.
Man can sometimes fall short.
I realized, when I created Adam and Eve, that men and women will disappoint each other at times,
but I am the solution to your every problem.
Accept that you have a Father who has always been intentional about you.
Welcome to this new beginning that allows you to walk with me and rely on me for your every need,
and know that I always show up.
I will discipline you in love,
but the lessons you learn will be there for you to teach others and to prepare you for the many things I have planned for you on this journey.
This year will be a year of you building with intention and of me showing you the miracles, signs, and wonders that follow me.
So, grab my hand and allow me to be the perfect gentleman for you.
Allow me to teach you.
And Allow me to be the one who strengthens you.
I can’t wait to see how much you grow in the next few months,
but also how much is unlocked because you trusted me to heal you and deliver you from disappointment and to show you how I am truly your Father.
Love, Your Dad
Love Letters to My Daughters
My Testimonies
Hey, Sis.
Welcome to Love Letters to My Daughters, a book God and I created together as one.
It all started back in 2018 after I broke up with this dope guy and tried to build my relationship with the Lord.
I never thought that experience would turn into a book to encourage others, but that’s how God works.
He turns our mess into something that can bless us and others.
During my journey, I would run to God the Father, but I would ignore Jesus.
(Don’t side-eye me. It’s my truth, but we’re good now.)
I would run to God the Father, but I had to stop and ask God, “Why am I doing this?”
My reason?
I’d been let down in a lot in relationships,
so avoiding adding someone into the thing I’d already created with the Father felt like protecting myself from being let down by the one who is most blameless and perfect, God.
Because Christ is the son of God, I didn’t think I needed him to be a part of my relationship with God the Father.
But the Bible says to get to God you have to go through the Son, aka Christ.
My journey began with me running to the Father, but I wasn’t building an intentional relationship with the Son.
I didn’t take his sacrifice or bloodshed seriously.
To me it was like, “Okay, Jesus, you died on a cross, cool, but move over and let me talk to God the Father.”
This was also a result of me not knowing my Word and not realizing Christ had been there in the beginning, creating the world with the Father.
Y’all’s Father had me watch The Passion of the Christ, and when I did, I broke down and asked Jesus to forgive me.
Being a visionary and seeing the things Christ went through to complete his task just for me shows me what a perfect dad God is.
A perfect dad sacrifices for his children and reminds them he is always with them.
He has their back because he knows what life will be like for each of them.
I always imagine God on the cross, thinking of all of us, saying each of our names until he died.
And when he rose again, it was like a superhero was activated and rose from the dead to be our teacher, our advocate, and our friend.
That is who the Holy Spirit is to us.
My journey started in 2019 when I asked God to teach me how to be a daughter to a holy and blameless Father,
one who always shows up—even when I don’t see him or feel him, he is working—and that he did!
Early on, he had me watch little girls at my church ask their dad for things.
I saw how the father would listen and give them what they asked for or listen and say, “Not yet. It’s too early to eat ice cream.”
That’s what God does with us. He will tell us yes, no, or not yet.
I learned God is super practical, but he also loves the drama.
Oh, I mean the drama that happens when he fights for you on his flaming chariot,
everything gets shut down, and even demons bow in His presence.
So yeah, He loves the drama, but He also loves to be known for the sweetness of His love, which truly surpasses all human understanding.
Love Letters to My Daughters
As you read this testimony, as your sister in Christ, I want you to first forgive.
Forgive your earthly father for the ways he fell short and extend grace to him.
Also Forgive yourself for thinking many of the mistakes and hardships you experienced were your fault.
And forgive God. I know this may sound crazy but hear me out.
Some of you have bruises in your heart that you thought were God’s fault.
You blamed him, which then allowed you to walk in the spirit of unbelief, believing he only wanted to do things for others and not for you.
I am telling you this from my own experience.
And I remember wishing I had a father who was there for me.
From the time I was born, my earthly father did everything he could to put my mother and me through hell.
To this day, he still tries to harm me in ways, and we’ve never even met.
I’ll save that story for the next book but know that I’ve lived my life seeking God but not fully receiving him because I didn’t know how to receive a dad.
Let this first week be the week you write a letter to your earthly father, forgiving him.
If you can’t do that yet, my sister, it’s okay!
Take this week to ask the Lord to fill your heart with his love and adoration for you,
so, you can fully embrace being the daughter to a king and complete this year with an intimacy so strong and inspiring,
that others will ask you about that God you serve and what’s changed in you.
Psalm 68:5-6 KJV
[5] A father of the fatherless, and a judge of the widows, Is God in his holy habitation.
[6] God setteth the solitary in families: He bringeth out those which are bound with chains: But the rebellious dwell in a dry land.
Love Letters to My Daughters
My Dearest Daughter,
First, let me say how much I love you and appreciate you.
You must know I, too, can show appreciation, even when you don’t feel like you deserve it.
I see the things you do for me. I see the daily sacrifices you make to follow me, and I must let you know you are appreciated.
So often, the enemy works to turn you against me, but you continue to stay true to me.
I promise to honor you greatly.
Your heart truly desires to obey me and serve me.
Having a servant’s heart is something many should desire because I need you to represent me in many places,
and teach others what it means and looks like to serve me.
This makes me think of my dear friend Mary of Bethany, who found every way to serve me.
She would sit at my feet and allow me to pour out my Spirit onto her.
And She didn’t follow what was trending at that time. But She always chose what was right.
Her sister, Martha, never understood what it meant to truly serve me.
She thought it was just about the work she put out, but as I always say, I look at your heart.
The heart is where the enemy attacks to block you from truly embracing the love I have for you and the love I am sending you.
I desire you to surrender your heart to me.
Allow me to reward you greatly for your obedience and love. Keep your eyes on me, and know I am leading you.
Your Father
Love Letters to My Daughters
My Testimonies
My Sister,
Did you know every time we bring God into places with our gifts, he appreciates us?
During the past year, I’ve been working on becoming a new creation in Christ, humbly serving him even when I was at my lowest.
It felt like I was walking through a mirrored maze, coming face to face with parts of me I’d hidden and parts of my life I’d acted like never happened.
Even with the mess I created in my life, he still chose me.
God wrote me the letter you just read on October 31, 2021, when I became so super busy with my businesses that I didn’t feel like I had time for him.
I felt like I was doing the most and not enough to be in his presence.
This letter reminded me he knows my heart.
It reminds me of the many times I’ve sat at his feet which have prepared me for times like this.
I became transformed by the renewing of my mind because I kept my eyes on the prize, which is God.
After the pain I experienced in 2020 and 2021, knowing God saw my efforts and appreciated me made me feel good.
I first heard how proud he was of me during a prayer call with my mentor, Asha, and it made me cry,
because all I could think was though he slay me, yet will I trust him (Job 13:15, NKJV).
When I started to learn more about my relationship with the Lord, I learned a few scriptures, and Proverbs 4:25 was one of them.
It was my reminder to keep my eyes on him and focus on what he said and is currently saying.
As you know, God is always speaking. It can be through a sign, a baby, or a TV show—he will use something to speak to you.
Love Letters to My Daughters
Before I moved to Los Angeles from New York City, I would go on walks with the Lord.
On one of our many walks, I was thanking him for how amazing things were moving.
I’d stopped to sit by the water, and when I looked up, in the water was a huge sign that said:
“I just want to thank you.” I took a picture to prove it and cried because I knew he was showing me his appreciation.
This week, I want you to rest in knowing God appreciates you.
Create a list of ways he has shown his appreciation for your sacrifice.
Maybe someone called you to say “thank you” or you walked past a sign that said it.
Keep your eyes open to his communication with you.
- Love, Camara
Psalm 118:1-2 KJV
[1] O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: Because his mercy endureth for ever.
[2] Let Israel now say, That his mercy endureth for ever.
Love Letters to My Daughters
My Dearest Daughter,
Today, I want you to seek me first.
Sometimes, you may feel like you don’t sense my presence or hear me speaking.
I want to challenge you to seek me first in everything you do to see how I am speaking to you in this season.
I like to change things up a bit—sometimes, to have you seek me more.
Whether I speak to you in dreams, writing, pictures, a person, or a song, seek me to see how I am speaking, and know my Word is always speaking.
Draw nearer to me and pull me closer to you.
Walk hand in hand with me and let me lead you on my dance floor of miracles, signs, and wonders.
Let’s do a Father-daughter dance that will refresh and renew you for the challenges you may face.
Worship me when you feel heavy or when you feel like you’re carrying a load I didn’t ask you to carry.
Allow me to be the perfect gentleman in your life, first, and allow me to show you the love you deserve.
Your Father
Love Letters to My Daughters
My Testimonies
My Sister,
I know what it feels like to wake up and grab your phone to answer a call or scroll on IG,
and I know what it feels like to wake up and seek the Lord first.
Seeking God before I start my day allows me to feel weightless and joyful.
I have to be honest. Often I feel super heavy when I am focused on everything but him.
There are times my day starts super early, and I don’t have time to hop into prayer,
so during my drive to my client, I play my worship playlist and speak to God.
I want to challenge you to find ways to seek him first and all his righteousness,
not only because all you need will be given to you, but also simply to show a token of appreciation, to thank him for who he is to his children.
So many people want to walk in power, and yet, so few want to walk with him. They don’t realize the power that comes in knowing your identity in him.
Here’s the tea.
Sometimes I fall off, and if you do too, that’s okay! You’re human, and God knows your heart.
But as your sister, I am here to urge you and guarantee you that if you seek him first, you will experience an elevation in the spirit that will have you producing good and ripe fruit.
My challenge for you this week is to wake up every morning and sit with God.
You can sit in his presence and play soaking worship music, or you can read a scripture and journal about how it spoke to you.
Every night, journal about what changed in you through seeking him each day.
- Love, Camara
Love Letters to My Daughters
My Dearest Daughter,
Take a walk with me today. Allow me to guide you on an adventure and expect good things to happen.
Walk hand in hand with me, and allow my Holy Spirit to guide you.
I am your only guide and your friend. I will not only guide you into knowing all truth,
but you will also come to a place of understanding for the season you’re currently in.
Any answers you need, as my Word says in Matthew 7:7, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”
Be curious to seek more of me so I can answer and lead you to all truth.
Walking with me will have you delighting in my presence since you’ll be surrounded by Creation.
This will also open your eyes to see how intentional I was about creating you, and you will start to see just how important you are to me and this world.
Your Father
Love Letters to My Daughters
My Testimonies
My Sis,
I remember when God placed it on my heart to start going on walks with him.
It all started in the beginning of the pandemic.
Most of the walks we took together blew my mind with a miracle, sign, or wonder.
Hence, my move to Los Angeles. I signed off social media one day and asked God why Los Angeles was looking so beautiful to me.
It felt like LA was the peaceful place to be during the pandemic, and that was weird for me because I’d never liked that city.
I asked God for a few things.
Clean out my closet, make me more holy and pleasing to him, and a few basic things, like a moving truck and a place to live.
As I was about to finish my walk, I bumped into a moving truck with “NYC-Cali Express” written on it!
So yeah, he loves a good blow-your-mind sign.
I also experienced a sign on one of my toughest days after I moved across the country.
As I was walking around my neighborhood, crying and walking a friend’s dog, Myles. I heard God say, “Don’t go home yet. Keep walking straight.”
I obeyed, and I bumped into a yellow mural that showed a black bird cage with white doves flying out of it.
The words “I am just beginning” were written on the cage.
There was also a store window next door, and on it, a sign read: “BE OPEN.”
I wept even more, but a sense of peace overcame me.
That was the sign I needed that day, but it also reminded me he is always speaking to me, even during times of doubt and questioning.
I challenge you to go for a walk with God, ask him to speak to you, and be expectant of how he will do it.
Write down what you experience.
- Love, Camara
Love Letters to My Daughters
My Dearest Daughter,
Today, I want you to rest. Resting in me can mean many things.
It can mean turning your phone off and sitting in my presence, quietly reading a book,
or watching a movie that will bring you joy and peace.
It also means going about your day, knowing I have your back and I’m fighting for you.
Fighting your battles is the thing I enjoy doing the most.
No father wants to see their baby stressed and worrying about something he can and will fix.
Trust that my Spirit is with you. Rest in me, knowing one of my gifts is peace, and it’s a gift I give out in abundance.
Read Psalm 91 and meditate on the first verse: “Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.”
Dwell in my presence and allow me to teach you what rest is.
Use wisdom and understanding to bring you peace with how you conquer your day and daily struggles.
Allow me to be your partner in decision-making, and trust that I move and work by grace.
Your Father
Love Letters to My Daughters
My Testimonies
Hey, Sis.
Of course, I know I can be honest with you.
Today was a day I had to press through. I found myself not doing the things I wanted to do, and I started to panic.
So, I took myself to my war room and prayed to the Father.
After prayer, I had so much energy. So, I showered and checked off my to-do list.
Then, it dropped in my spirit to watch the 1991 version of Father of the Bride.
I actually watched both part one and part two.
God had placed it on my heart to watch the movies, and boy, I tell you. It blessed me so much!
I remember watching the first movie years ago and wishing I had a father like George Banks.
This time, I realized I have a Father who is a lot like George—God!
Watching the movies from God’s perspective made me enjoy them even more.
Let’s break down the type of father George Banks is and what he has in common with God.
God is a jealous God, careful about who he allows around us, just as George is concerned about who his daughter, Annie, is with.
(Most times, it’s our own flesh that invites the wrong people in.)
He is also a loving God who wants us to come to him. He allows things to happen so we realize just how much we need him,
but also to show us just how much he needs us to trust him, like my girl Annie needed her father, George.
During the entire wedding, held at their beautiful home, George was so busy doing operations and making sure it went smoothly,
that he missed all the key moments.
By the end of the night, he was tired and sad that he may have disappointed Annie on her big day.
Annie was whisked off to her honeymoon, and he was sad, feeling like he would never see her again.
Then the phone rang, and it was Annie, checking in to thank her father and remind him that she loves him.
Check in with God and remind him how grateful you are for his love and sacrifice.
Annie’s dad was on her mind so much that she couldn’t fully rest and enjoy her honeymoon until she stopped to check in and express her gratitude.
The funny thing about us is God isn’t left behind when we’re whisked away.
He’s getting on that flight with us, making sure our first-class seats are perfect and everything else is set up the way he planned.
(Nothing is ruining our wedding day or night because he saw us wait—lol.)
George Banks was an overprotective father who didn’t want to share his baby, Annie. (Sounds familiar right?)
But after a while, he realized how mature she was in him and how he raised her.
Then, he rested, knowing she was making good decisions with him by her side and the man who chose her was amazing too.
Just as much as God wants us to rest in him and trust the process,
He also wants us to fully surrender to him so he can spoil us and give us the desires of our hearts.
Let’s not forget that God himself rested when he created the world.
Though I did get some work done today, which helped me feel accomplished and proud of myself, I still found ways to rest in his presence and walk in grace.
This week, I ask you to give yourself some grace.
Read a book you love. Watch a movie, and if you’re inspired to watch Father of the Bride, please do.
It’s so good. Start your Bible study time and stick to it. Create the content you want to put out. Take a nap. Rest in God.
- Love you, Sis. Cam
Love Letters to My Daughters
Also Read: Understanding Testimonies! – Diademng (
To be continued!
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