Renewal in the new realm
Josephine Olakanye
But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength.
They will soar high on wings like eagles, will run and not grow weary. And they will walk and not faint. (Isiah 40:31 NLT).
What is renewal?
Renewal is like a refresh of something that already exists. Better put in this scenario, is an update to the configuration of a system.
Renewal can also mean; making new again something that is worn out already, be it a thing or a person.
Most times when we hear the time “RENEWAL” what comes to our mind is the Bible verse quoted above. “Our strength being renewed…” etc.
But do we even know that it’s not only our strength that can get renewed. Other aspect of us can experience renewal as well.
Renewal in the new realm
Let’s talk about the renewal of the spirit man in this new realm we are in.
Our spirit man is the person of the Holy Spirit in conjunction with our own spirit.
If you’re not yet a believer, your spirit man is just an ordinary spirit that can be controlled by the forces/authority you surrender yourself to. (A topic for another day).
Our spirit man can be renewed and must be renewed continually by the master that control your spirit but in our own case we experience our renewal with God.
After receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit which was promised to us in the Bible:
(And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever; John 14:16 kjv), it will wear out after some time.
Hear me out!
Wearing out does not mean it will fade out or get useless in the normal sense;
but it will always need the breath of God himself to keep updated.
Renewal in the new realm
How do we get updated? How do We experience the renewal of our spirit man?
Constant breath of the lord:
“The Spirit of God has made me,
And the breath of the Almighty gives me life. Job 33:4.
The breath of the lord is like a continuous dose of fire in an already burning fire or even almost dead coals; it gives automatic regeneration.
The constant breath of the almighty cannot just be found coincidentally or randomly on the street,
the breath of the almighty is a reward of being in his presence and this leads us to our second point.
A burning Altar/ The secret place.
To experience renewal of the spirit man, you need to be communicating to God on a regular basis, your communication with God needs to be strong!
Your prayer altar, your secret place needs to be oozing fire.
You can’t sacrifice on a cold altar. It doesn’t work that way; you need to have enough fire burning to get renewed.
Your secret place which is where you’re constantly in contact with God must be burning fervently.
Simply put, to experience renewal of the spirit you need to be prayerful.
Continuous zeal for anything that has to do with God.
When we just accepted Jesus or rededicated our life to Him, we do have that zeal and passion for anything that has to do with Jesus, because as babies then, we needed nothing but constant food and sleep.
We download various sermons, read books, music, podcasts, and explore the gospel realm and we were fascinated by it all.
But now we believe we are growing but of all things to outgrow our zeal for God ought not to be among.
Passion or zeal for God is not about being a mature or as baby Christian, it’s a must for us as believers.
Psalm 6:9(NLT)
“Passion for your house has consumed me, and the insults of those who insult you have fallen on me”
This is coming from David who didn’t even experience the ministry of the Holy Spirit and we do wonder why God call him a man after his own heart?!
(Acts 13:22.) And when he had removed him, he raised up David to be their king, of whom he testified and said, ‘I have found in David the son of Jesse a man after my heart, who will do all my will. ‘
Let the continuous zeal for the lord consume us so much that we have no choice but to automatically get renewed by God.
Continuous thirst or hunger for the face of the lord.
This is somehow related to being zealous for the lord but at the same time it’s quite different.
You can be zealous without panting after Him.
Psalm 46:1. As the deer pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul for You, O God.
This is the attitude and mindset of someone who thirsts after God.
You won’t seek anything else asides his face; earthly frivolities will blur from your sight as you focus on him.
You will seek him and him alone and you’ll get renewal and fully come to the knowledge of the scriptural verse: –
“They who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” (Isiah 40:31)
This applies to only those “who wait on the lord.”
What are you willing to sacrifice for your update?
Every great thing in life comes with a sacrifice; this applies to the spirit realm as well.
What are you willing to sacrifice.
Your comfort? Food? Sleep? Leisure time? Social media? Partying? Friends? Rest?
Anything you want to sacrifice, ensure it’s something of value that you will feel the impact as you levitate on it.
You must be willing to sacrifice something you don’t think you can in exchange for your renewal!
Even God sacrificed his son in exchange for us.
Be ready to practice spiritual principles and rules.
Observe biblical teachings and adhere to the ones necessary for your season.
“For we walk by faith, not by sight”. (2 Corinthians 5:7)
Personal Retreat.
Personal retreat can be of great help to your spirit renewal as well.
Retreats are the best time and avenue to wait on the lord.
Even Jesus had to go on retreats.
He’ll move away from the crowds whenever it’s time to pray.
If the son of God in human form can set himself aside to hear from his father, who are you not to?
Personal rededication:
At every opportunity we have let’s not hesitate to rededicate our life back to God.
For Him to do as He please. He’s our creator, for Him to destroy the clay and mold us into a new version that will suit His purpose for our life.
Last but not the least; let’s endeavor to pray from now on that “May the lord himself Renew us when and where necessary.
The Bible says “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour”.
If the devil is not resting and constantly looking for modern ways to trap the believer, why should the believer be so comfortable that he seeks not renewal?
With various strategies put in place today to trap believers, we must agree that Satan and his cohorts are indeed hardworking and resilient when it comes to pulling Gods people down, and not allowing non-believers to be comfortable in whatever stage we’re in
When there is space for renewal in our kingdom, why should you stick to the same spiritual state you’ve been in for years now?
Let your spirit be so angry that it seeks renewal and pays the necessary sacrifice due to get renewed.
Be RENEWED. Pray for renewal, ask for it.
The beautiful part is when you’re renewed spiritually, your physical life will reflect this renewal.
May God help us get things right. Amen
Renewal in the new realm