The Shepherd’s Promise
Please help me to notice the ways in which You lead me each day so that I can live a life that honors Your will.
Psalm 23 is a poem about God as our Shepherd.
It’s all about how God knows what is best for us.
He knows who we are and the paths we should walk in life.
Because He is our Shepherd, He also is our Protector, guarding us from evil.
At the end of Psalm 23, there is a promise for us.
For those who follow God and listen to His guidance, the writer says that goodness and love will follow us.
What does it mean that God’s goodness and love will follow us?
It doesn’t mean that life will go according to our own plans. And it also doesn’t mean that life will be free of pain and problems.
Psalm 23:4 tells us that we will still have to walk through dark valleys in life.
Here’s what it does mean: God will always be with us. And God will always be good to us.
Life may not always be easy, but God promises to always be good.
It also means that nothing can take God’s love from us.
God’s love will always be there, just like Paul says in Romans 8:38-39.
We don’t have to live in fear of disappointing God or losing Him.
He promises to never take His love and goodness away from us.
Because of these truths, the writer of this Psalm says that his desire is to be with God in God’s house forever.
We ought to desire the same thing as well.
It’s because of God’s goodness and love that we will one day join Him in heaven to be with Him forever.
The Shepherd’s Promise!
Take some time today to consider God as your Shepherd, who cares for you and protects you.
Thank Him that His goodness and love will never end but will follow you every day of your life.
Let Us Pray
God, thank You for always being good.
Sometimes I worry, but I know that with You I am safe and protected.
So please help me to notice the ways in which You lead me each day so that I can live a life that honors Your will.
Thank You for loving me and for giving me the opportunity to have a relationship with You.
I give my future to You.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
The Shepherd’s Promise: Psalm 23:6 KJV
[6] Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: And I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.
Psalm 23 | KJV Bible | YouVersion | The Bible App |
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The Shepherd’s Promise
Thank you Lord